Keshtu mund te pyesim kedo qe nuk ka qene ende tek AgriTourism Huqi, ne kete parajse te vogel, ku nuk mungon asgje per tu ndier i lumtur prane natyres.

Pasioni per te jetuar ne qetesi dhe harmoni totale ne krah te natyres.

Synimi i vazhdueshem i kompanise dhe drejtueseve te saj eshte mbrojtja dhe rritja e gjelberimit ne te gjithe kompleksin agroturistik. Restoranti veror i kompleksit Huqi eshte i gjithi i ndertuar me dru suedez dhe i pajisur me tavolina cilesore druri, Pjekja e mishit ne puse eshte nje tradite gatimi osmane. Per ta ndertuat dhe bere funksional kete pus gatimit, kane ardhur specialist nga Turqia te cilet kane punuar me jave per te nxjerre nje produkt cilesor


The best place we have been to in Albania in our whole three months here.
Splendid!!!! Awesome place. Such healthy and happy animals for the kids to play with beautiful surroundings including lake to paddle on. Brilliant food, great service. A true gem, in fact a diamond, of Albania. Just wonderful. Cheers, Scott (Sydney, Australia)
scrank Sydney, Australia
Amazing Stay
What a great surprise, our first stop in Albania and we found this great place with so friendly hosts. This is a "must see" !
Christian H Zurich, Switzerland
A great place to relax and enjoy
We have been there with my family, is very quite place, for a day far away from the city noise i perfect. Meal was ok but the menu is very poor, they don't have many choice. I suggest to you for your family.
DanL12 Winnipeg, Canada
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